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Characters Overview

Characters are a fundamental element in any game. In the Honeycomb Protocol, characters are represented as NFTs or cNFTs.

With Honeycomb Protocol, you can create characters in two different ways:

  1. Wrapping: Wrapping requires the user to have an eligible NFT. Eligibility criteria are defined by the developers and can include collection addresses, creator addresses, and merkle trees. Provided the user has an eligible NFT, wrapping locks the NFT into a vault and creates a Honeycomb character. Please keep in mind that this does not change the update authority of the NFT. Unwrapping will remove the character from Honeycomb and unlock the NFT for use again by the player. After unwrapping, the NFT can be exchanged, traded, used for lending, etc.

  2. Assembling: There are two ways to create Honeycomb characters using assembling, the first involves taking over the update authority of an eligible NFT to generate a new Honeycomb character (with the eligiblity criteria defined by the developer). With the other method, you can create a native Honeycomb character directly; this does not require a user to own a specific NFT. These native characters can later be "unwrapped" to yield a new NFT/cNFT for the players. Unwrapping does not delete the character from Honeycomb, but marks it as "Ejected". The resulting NFT/cNFT is added to the user's wallet.