Assembling characters
Before following this guide to assemble characters, Please make sure you have followed our getting started guide and set up your development environment.
You will also need to have an existing project on Honeycomb. If you don't have one, please see this guide.
Honeycomb has different ways to make characters. We've already covered how to create characters through wrapping. Now, we'll cover how to assemble characters.
The difference between the two is wrapping locks the NFT into a vault and creates a new Honeycomb character, while assembling gives you two other ways to create characters:
- Creating a character without an NFT. Using this method, your users will not need to own any NFTs to create characters. Characters created using this method are called native Honeycomb characters.
- Creating a character using an NFT. This method allows you to take the update authority of an NFT and create a new Honeycomb character from it.
Setting up
These are the mandatory steps before you can start assembling characters:
1. Create an assembler config
In order to assemble a character, you first need to create an assembler config. This config will mainly contain the information about the traits characters can have when they are made using this assembler config.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createCreateAssemblerConfigTransaction({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
authority: adminPublicKey.toString(),
payer: adminPublicKey.toString(), // Optional payer
treeConfig: { // This tree is used to store character traits and their necessary information
// Provide either the basic or advanced configuration, we recommend using the basic configuration if you don't know the exact values of maxDepth, maxBufferSize, and canopyDepth (the basic configuration will automatically configure these values for you)
basic: {
numAssets: 100000, // The desired number of character information this tree will be able to store
// Uncomment the following config if you want to configure your own profile tree (also comment out the above config)
// advanced: {
// maxDepth: 20, // Max depth of the tree
// maxBufferSize: 64, // Max buffer size of the tree
// canopyDepth: 14, // Canopy depth of the tree
// },
ticker: "unique-string-id", // Provide a unique ticker for the config (the ticker ID only needs to be unique within the project)
order: ["Weapon", "Armor", "Clothes", "Shield"], // Provide the character traits here, example: ["Weapon", "Armor", "Clothes", "Shield"]
query CreateCreateAssemblerConfigTransaction($treeConfig: TreeSetupConfig!, $ticker: String!, $order: [String!]!, $project: String!, $authority: String!, $payer: String) {
createCreateAssemblerConfigTransaction(treeConfig: $treeConfig, ticker: $ticker, order: $order, project: $project, authority: $authority, payer: $payer) {
tx {
Provide the accompanying data:
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"authority": "pubkey", // Project authority public key as a string
"treeConfig": { // This tree is used to store character traits and their necessary information
// Provide either the basic or advanced configuration, we recommend using the basic configuration if you don't know the exact values of maxDepth, maxBufferSize, and canopyDepth (the basic configuration will automatically configure these values for you)
"basic": {
"numAssets": int // The desired number of character information this tree will be able to store as an integer
// Use the following config if you want to configure your own profile tree (also remove the above basic config)
// "advanced": {
// "maxDepth": int, // Max depth as an integer
// "maxBufferSize": int, // Max buffer size as an integer
// "canopyDepth": int // Canopy depth as an integer
// }
"ticker": "string", // Provide a unique ticker ID as a string (the ticker ID only needs to be unique within the project)
"order": ["string"], // Array of trait types, example: ["Weapon", "Armor", "Clothes", "Shield"]
"payer": "pubkey" // Optional transaction payer public key as a string
2. Add traits and their URIs
Each of the character traits you've added in the assembler config will need values and corresponding URIs. For example, if you have a trait called "Weapon", you can have values like "Sword", "Axe", "Bow", etc. and their corresponding image URLS.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createAddCharacterTraitsTransactions({
traits: [ // Example traits given below, the labels have to match what you've declared in the assembler config
label: "Weapon",
name: "Bow",
uri: "",
label: "Weapon",
name: "Sword",
uri: "",
label: "Armor",
name: "Helmet",
uri: "",
label: "Armor",
name: "Chestplate",
uri: "",
assemblerConfig: assemblerConfigAddress.toString(),
authority: adminPublicKey.toString(),
payer: adminPublicKey.toString(),
query CreateAddCharacterTraitsTransactions($assemblerConfig: String!, $traits: [CharacterTraitInput!]!, $authority: String!, $payer: String) {
createAddCharacterTraitsTransactions(assemblerConfig: $assemblerConfig, traits: $traits, authority: $authority, payer: $payer) {
Provide the accompanying data:
"assemblerConfig": "pubkey", // Assembler config public key as a string
"authority": "pubkey", // Project authority public key as a string
"payer": "pubkey", // Optional payer public key as a string
"traits": [
"label": "string", // Label for the trait, example: "Weapon"
"name": "string", // Name of the trait, example: "Bow"
"uri": "string" // URI of the trait, example: ""
3. Create a character model
After creating an assembler config, you need to create a character model. It's worth noting that character models for assembled characters are different from wrapped ones.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createCreateCharacterModelTransaction({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
authority: adminPublicKey.toString(),
payer: adminPublicKey.toString(), // Optional, use this if you want a different wallet to pay the transaction fee, by default the authority pays for this tx
config: {
kind: "Assembled",
assemblerConfigInput: {
assemblerConfig: assemblerConfigAddress.toString(),
collectionName: "Assembled NFT Collection",
name: "Assembled Character NFT 0",
symbol: "ACNFT",
description: "Creating this NFT with assembler",
creators: [
address: adminPublicKey.toString(),
share: 100,
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 0,
query CreateCreateCharacterModelTransaction($config: CharacterConfigInput!, $project: String!, $authority: String!, $payer: String, $attributes: JSON) {
createCreateCharacterModelTransaction(config: $config, project: $project, authority: $authority, payer: $payer, attributes: $attributes) {
tx {
Provide the accompanying data:
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"authority": "pubkey", // Project authority public key as a string
"payer": "pubkey", // Optional payer public key as a string
"config": {
"kind": "Assembled",
"assemblerConfigInput": {
"assemblerConfig": "pubkey", // Assembler config public key as a string
"collectionName": "string", // Collection name as a string
"name": "string", // Name of the character as a string
"symbol": "string", // Symbol of the character NFT as a string
"description": "string", // Description of the character as a string
"creators": [
"address": "pubkey", // Creator's public key as a string
"share": int // Share as an integer
"sellerFeeBasisPoints": int // Seller fee basis points as an integer
4. Create a characters tree
After creating a character model, you need to create a character tree. This tree is used to store characters and their necessary information, like who owns the character and if a character is on a mission.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createCreateCharactersTreeTransaction({
authority: adminPublicKey.toString(),
project: projectAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
payer: adminPublicKey.toString(), // Optional, only use if you want to pay from a different wallet
treeConfig: { // Tree configuration, this affects how many characters this tree can store
basic: {
numAssets: 100000,
// Uncomment the following config if you want to configure your own profile tree (also comment out the above config)
// advanced: {
// maxDepth: 3,
// maxBufferSize: 8,
// canopyDepth: 3,
// },
query CreateCharacterTreeTransaction($treeConfig: TreeConfig!, $project: Bytes!, $characterModel: Bytes!, $authority: Bytes!, $payer: Bytes) {
createCreateCharactersTreeTransaction(treeConfig: $treeConfig, project: $project, characterModel: $characterModel, authority: $authority, payer: $payer) {
Pass the variables like this:
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public as a string
"authority": "pubkey", // Authority public key as a string
"payer": "pubkey", // Payer public key as a string
"treeConfig": {
// Provide either the basic or advanced configuration, we recommend using the basic configuration if you don't know the exact values of maxDepth, maxBufferSize, and canopyDepth (the basic configuration will automatically configure these values for you)
"basic": {
"numAssets": int // The desired number of resources this tree will be able to store, each leaf (asset) in the tree represents one ownership record; for example: everytime you mint this resource, a new leaf will be added to the tree with the ownership and amount information
// Use the following config if you want to configure your own profile tree (also remove the above basic config)
// "advanced": {
// "maxDepth": int, // Maximum depth of the tree
// "maxBufferSize": int, // Maximum buffer size
// "canopyDepth": int // Canopy depth
// }
To calculate the canopy depth, buffer size, and depth, use If you have any confusions about these values, please reach out to us on Discord or email.
Making a character
Make sure you follow all the previous steps before proceeding as they are required. Afterwards, you have two options to make a character:
Without an NFT (Honeycomb native character)
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createAssembleCharacterTransaction({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
assemblerConfig: assemblerConfigAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
charactersTree: charactersTreeAddress.toString(),
wallet: userPublicKey.toString(),
attributes: [
["Weapon", "Bow"],
["Armor", "Helmet"],
query CreateAssembleCharacterTransaction($attributes: [StringTuple!]!, $project: String!, $assemblerConfig: String!, $characterModel: String!, $charactersTree: String!, $wallet: String!) {
createAssembleCharacterTransaction(attributes: $attributes, project: $project, assemblerConfig: $assemblerConfig, characterModel: $characterModel, charactersTree: $charactersTree, wallet: $wallet) {
Provide the accompanying data like this:
"attributes": [["string", "string"]], // Array of string tuples, example: [["Weapon", "Bow"], ["Armor", "Helmet"]]
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"assemblerConfig": "pubkey", // Assembler config public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"charactersTree": "pubkey", // The character model's characters tree public key as a string
"wallet": "pubkey" // User wallet public key as a string
Using an NFT
The second method of creating a character using the assembler is by using an NFT. This method allows you to take the update authority of an NFT and create a new Honeycomb character from it.
You'll still need to follow steps 1 through 4 above. Aferwards, it's a two-step process:
1. Populate assembleable character
Populating an assembleable character will create a new character in an ejected state. This means that the character will be created, but it will not be usable (yet).
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createPopulateAssembleablCharacterTransaction({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
charactersTree: charactersTreeAddress.toString(),
mint: mintAddress.toString(),
owner: userPublicKey.toString(),
updateAuthority: adminPublicKey.toString(),
payer: adminPublicKey.toString(), // Optional, use this if you want to pay from a different wallet
attributes: [
["Weapon", "Bow"],
["Armor", "Helmet"],
query CreatePopulateAssembleablCharacterTransaction($attributes: [StringTuple!]!, $project: String!, $characterModel: String!, $charactersTree: String!, $mint: String!, $owner: String!, $updateAuthority: String!, $payer: String) {
createPopulateAssembleablCharacterTransaction(attributes: $attributes, project: $project, characterModel: $characterModel, charactersTree: $charactersTree, mint: $mint, owner: $owner, updateAuthority: $updateAuthority, payer: $payer) {
Provide the accompanying data like this:
"attributes": [["string", "string"]], // Array of string tuples, example: [["Weapon", "Bow"], ["Armor", "Helmet"]]
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"charactersTree": "pubkey", // The character model's characters tree public key as a string
"mint": "pubkey", // NFT mint public key as a string
"owner": "pubkey", // Owner public key as a string
"updateAuthority": "pubkey", // Update authority public key as a string
"payer": "pubkey" // Optional payer public key as a string
2. Wrap the character
In order to use the character in Honeycomb, you need to wrap it. You can do so by sending a query like this:
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
activeCharactersMerkleTree: charactersTreeAddress.toString(),
wallet: userPublicKey.toString(),
mintList: [ // Mint public keys as a string
libreplexDeployment: libreplexDeployment.toString(), // Optional, only needed in case of LibrePlex NFTs
query CreateWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions($mintList: [String!]!, $project: String!, $characterModel: String!, $activeCharactersMerkleTree: String!, $wallet: String!, $libreplexDeployment: String) {
createWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions(mintList: $mintList, project: $project, characterModel: $characterModel, activeCharactersMerkleTree: $activeCharactersMerkleTree, wallet: $wallet, libreplexDeployment: $libreplexDeployment) {
Provide the accompanying data like this:
"mintList": ["pubkey"], // Mint public keys as a string
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"activeCharactersMerkleTree": "pubkey", // The character model's active merkle tree public key as a string
"wallet": "pubkey", // Wallet (fee payer) public key as a string
"libreplexDeployment": "pubkey" // Optional LibrePlex deployment public key as a string
Other operations
Here are some other operations you can perform with the assembler.
Find characters
All of the variables in the find characters function are optional. You can use any combination of them as needed.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.findCharacters({
addresses: [], // String array of character addresses
includeProof: true,
filters: {}, // Available filters are usedBy, owner, and source
mints: [], // Array of NFT mint public keys as a string
trees: [], // Array of character model merkle tree public keys as a string
wallets: [], // Array of wallet public keys as a string (wallets that own the characters)
attributeHashes: [] // Array of attribute hashes as a string
query Character($addresses: [Bytes!], $trees: [Bytes!], $wallets: [Pubkey!], $mints: [Pubkey!], $attributeHashes: [Pubkey!], $includeProof: Boolean, $filters: CharactersFilter) {
character(addresses: $addresses, trees: $trees, wallets: $wallets, mints: $mints, attributeHashes: $attributeHashes, includeProof: $includeProof, filters: $filters) {
source {
params {
... on Wrapped {
criteria {
... on Assembled {
usedBy {
params {
... on UsedByStaking {
... on UsedByMission {
rewards {
... on UsedByGuild {
role {
... on UsedByEjected {
... on UsedByCustom {
proof {
Provide the accompanying data like this:
"addresses": [], // Array of character addresses
"trees": [], // Array of character model merkle tree public keys as a string
"wallets": [], // Array of wallet public keys as a string (user wallets that hold the characters)
"mints": [], // Array of NFT mint public keys as a string
"attributeHashes": [], // Array of attribute hashes as a string
"includeProof": boolean, // Determines if the proof should be included in the result or not
"filters": { // Filters for the characters,
"usedBy": {
"params": {
"wasAssembled": boolean,
"user": "pubkey",
"staker": "pubkey",
"stakedAt": int,
"role": {
"kind": "string"
"rewards": [
"rewardIdx": int,
"delta": int,
"collected": boolean
"pool": "pubkey", // Staking pool public key
"order": int, // Guild order
"mint": "pubkey",
"id": "pubkey",
"endTime": int,
"claimedAt": int
"kind": "string"
"source": {
"params": {
"mint": "pubkey",
"is_compressed": boolean,
"criteria": { // NFT Wrap criteria
"params": "pubkey",
"kind": "string"
"kind": "string"
"owner": "pubkey" // Character owner public key
Update assembler config
If you want to update the assembler config, you can do so by sending a query like this:
query CreateUpdateAssemblerConfigTransaction($updates: UpdateLayersInput!, $project: String!, $assemblerConfig: String!, $authority: String!, $payer: String) {
createUpdateAssemblerConfigTransaction(updates: $updates, project: $project, assemblerConfig: $assemblerConfig, authority: $authority, payer: $payer) {
Send the accompanying data like this.
"updates": {
"addLayers": [
"label": "string", // Label for the layer, example: "Weapon"
"traits": [
"name": "string", // Name of the trait, example: "Legendary Sword
"uri": "string" // URI of the trait, example: "
"removeLayers": "string" // Label for the layer to remove, example: "Weapon"
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"assemblerConfig": "pubkey", // Assembler config public key as a string
"authority": "pubkey", // Project authority's public key as a string
"payer": "pubkey" // Payer public key as a string
Update a character's traits
If you want to update a particular character's traits, you can do so by sending a query like this:
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createUpdateCharacterTraitsTransaction({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
wallet: adminPublicKey.toString(),
assemblerConfig: assemblerConfigAddress.toString(),
attributes: [ // Send the updated attributes here in string tuple format
["Weapon", "Sword"],
["Armor", "Chestplate"],
characterAddress: characterAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
charactersTree: characterModelMerkleTree.toString(),
query CreateUpdateCharacterTraitsTransaction($characterAddress: String!, $attributes: [StringTuple!]!, $project: String!, $assemblerConfig: String!, $characterModel: String!, $charactersTree: String!, $wallet: String!) {
createUpdateCharacterTraitsTransaction(characterAddress: $characterAddress, attributes: $attributes, project: $project, assemblerConfig: $assemblerConfig, characterModel: $characterModel, charactersTree: $charactersTree, wallet: $wallet) {
Provide the data like this:
"characterAddress": "pubkey", // Character address as string
"attributes": [["string", "string"]], // Array of string tuples, example: [["Weapon", "Bow"], ["Armor", "Helmet"]]
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"assemblerConfig": "pubkey", // Assembler config address as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"charactersTree": "pubkey", // The character model's characters tree public key as a string
"wallet": "pubkey" // Authority and transaction payer public key as a string
Unwrap a character
When a character made using the assembler is unwrapped, the NFT is sent to the user but the character is not deleted. The character will still exist on Honeycomb, albeit in an ejected state.
Unwrapping an asset means that the assets (NFTs/cNFTs) will be returned to the user's wallet. If it was a native Honeycomb assembled character (created without an NFT), a new NFT will be created and sent to the user's wallet.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createUnwrapAssetsFromCharacterTransactions({
characterAddresses: [characterAddress.toString()], // String array of character addresses
project: projectAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
wallet: userPublicKey.toString(),
libreplexDeployment: libreplexDeploymentAddress.toString(), // Optional, only needed in case of LibrePlex NFTs
query CreateUnwrapAssetsFromCharacterTransactions($characterAddresses: [String!]!, $project: String!, $characterModel: String!, $wallet: String!, $libreplexDeployment: String) {
createUnwrapAssetsFromCharacterTransactions(characterAddresses: $characterAddresses, project: $project, characterModel: $characterModel, wallet: $wallet, libreplexDeployment: $libreplexDeployment) {
Provide the data like this:
"characterAddresses": ["pubkey"], // Character addresses as a string array
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"wallet": "pubkey", // User wallet public key as a string, this user must own the characters and has to sign the tx
"libreplexDeployment": "pubkey" // Optional LibrePlex deployment public key as a string
Rewrap an ejected character
When a character is rewrapped, the character's usedBy status on Honeycomb goes from "Ejected" to "None". The character will be usable again in Honeycomb.
- JavaScript
- GraphQL
await client.createWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions({
project: projectAddress.toString(),
characterModel: characterModelAddress.toString(),
activeCharactersMerkleTree: charactersTreeAddress.toString(), // This is the tree that's currently active in the character model
wallet: userPublicKey.toString(), // The user must own all of the NFTs given in the mintList below
mintList: [ // NFT mint keys array as a string
libreplexDeployment: libreplexDeployment.toString(), // Optional, only needed in case of LibrePlex NFTs
query CreateWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions($mintList: [String!]!, $project: String!, $characterModel: String!, $activeCharactersMerkleTree: String!, $wallet: String!, $libreplexDeployment: String) {
createWrapAssetsToCharacterTransactions(mintList: $mintList, project: $project, characterModel: $characterModel, activeCharactersMerkleTree: $activeCharactersMerkleTree, wallet: $wallet, libreplexDeployment: $libreplexDeployment) {
Provide the data like this:
"mintList": ["pubkey"], // Mint public keys as a string
"project": "pubkey", // Project public key as a string
"characterModel": "pubkey", // Character model public key as a string
"activeCharactersMerkleTree": "pubkey", // The character model's active merkle tree public key as a string
"wallet": "pubkey", // User wallet public key as a string, the user must own the NFTs in the mintlist and has to sign the tx
"libreplexDeployment": "pubkey" // Optional LibrePlex deployment public key as a string